My dear friend and kumpare Igor has very kindly sent me this new ILS shirt (the back reads "100% Pinoy Librarian", the front says "And isip, tulad ng aklat, ay mainam kung bukas")... the least I can do is model it, he he.... Thanks a lot ;D
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... the sun rises here as the moon rises elsewhere
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Monday Madness

1. Do you have children in school? Yes, I have 2, one in high school and one in college.
2. Are YOU currently in school (any level)? Not right now, maybe in the future.
3. Did you (or your children) attend a public or private school? Me and my kids attended a private catholic school in the Philippines from pre-school to highschool. I graduated college from the University of the Philippines, Diliman (state university). My daughter went to UP for one semester before moving here to the US, she is now enrolled in a community college. My son is in grade 9 at Alhambra High School.
4. As far as formal education, what level have you completed? Post-graduate, although I am a thesis shy of completing my masters degree.
5. Do you, or did you have loans out for your (or your children's) education? For me, no. There was no need. For my kids, now that they are here, we might have to take out loans... that is if we don't qualify for any scholarships :p
6. What are your thoughts on the cost of tuition for colleges and universities? Costs of tuition for community colleges I guess are okay. As long as one is a resident of that state, discounts are applicable. Costs of books are way too expensive, though, especially if you do not have financial aid or scholarships. Of course, transferring to a university is another matter... hopefully, we can qualify for a scholarship or at least get some financial aid to help with expenses.
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- Woulda Coulda Shoulda
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